Саният Меджидовна

Саният Меджидовна

Поиск по этому блогу

четверг, 12 декабря 2013 г.

Human body

In the picture below you can see names of some other parts and organs.

grey Human body: Body, Head, Eye, Hand, Foot; Internal Organs  people english through pictures
eye, nose, cheek, chin, mouth, neck, shoulder, armpit, breast, thorax, navel, abdomen, publs, groin, knee, foot, ankle, toe

grey Human body: Body, Head, Eye, Hand, Foot; Internal Organs  people english through pictures
hair. nape, head, neck, shoulder blade, arm, elbow, back, waist, trunk, loin, hip, forearm, wrist, hand, buttock, thigh, leg, calf, foot, heel.

grey Human body: Body, Head, Eye, Hand, Foot; Internal Organs  people english through pictures
face, hair, skin, eyebrow, eyelash, ear, nose, mole, lip, chin, forehead, temple, eye, cheek, nostril, mouth, jaw

grey Human body: Body, Head, Eye, Hand, Foot; Internal Organs  people english through pictures
palm, middle finger, third finger, little finger, index finger , fingernaill, thumb, lunula , wrist

grey Human body: Body, Head, Eye, Hand, Foot; Internal Organs  people english through pictures
toe, ball, sole, instep, arch, heel, big toe, bridge, toenail, little toe, ankle

grey Human body: Body, Head, Eye, Hand, Foot; Internal Organs  people english through pictures
sinus, palate, tongue, larynx, adam’s apple, vocab cords, throat, brain, pharynx, epiglottis, esophagus

grey Human body: Body, Head, Eye, Hand, Foot; Internal Organs  people english through pictures
8. teeth  9. tooth  10. tongue
grey Human body: Body, Head, Eye, Hand, Foot; Internal Organs  people english through pictures
11. brain  12. throat
grey Human body: Body, Head, Eye, Hand, Foot; Internal Organs  people english through pictures
13. vein 14. artery  15. lung  16. liver  17. stomach  18. large intestine
19. small intstine

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