Саният Меджидовна

Саният Меджидовна

Поиск по этому блогу

четверг, 12 декабря 2013 г.

Human body

In the picture below you can see names of some other parts and organs.

grey Human body: Body, Head, Eye, Hand, Foot; Internal Organs  people english through pictures
eye, nose, cheek, chin, mouth, neck, shoulder, armpit, breast, thorax, navel, abdomen, publs, groin, knee, foot, ankle, toe

grey Human body: Body, Head, Eye, Hand, Foot; Internal Organs  people english through pictures
hair. nape, head, neck, shoulder blade, arm, elbow, back, waist, trunk, loin, hip, forearm, wrist, hand, buttock, thigh, leg, calf, foot, heel.

grey Human body: Body, Head, Eye, Hand, Foot; Internal Organs  people english through pictures
face, hair, skin, eyebrow, eyelash, ear, nose, mole, lip, chin, forehead, temple, eye, cheek, nostril, mouth, jaw

grey Human body: Body, Head, Eye, Hand, Foot; Internal Organs  people english through pictures
palm, middle finger, third finger, little finger, index finger , fingernaill, thumb, lunula , wrist

grey Human body: Body, Head, Eye, Hand, Foot; Internal Organs  people english through pictures
toe, ball, sole, instep, arch, heel, big toe, bridge, toenail, little toe, ankle

grey Human body: Body, Head, Eye, Hand, Foot; Internal Organs  people english through pictures
sinus, palate, tongue, larynx, adam’s apple, vocab cords, throat, brain, pharynx, epiglottis, esophagus

grey Human body: Body, Head, Eye, Hand, Foot; Internal Organs  people english through pictures
8. teeth  9. tooth  10. tongue
grey Human body: Body, Head, Eye, Hand, Foot; Internal Organs  people english through pictures
11. brain  12. throat
grey Human body: Body, Head, Eye, Hand, Foot; Internal Organs  people english through pictures
13. vein 14. artery  15. lung  16. liver  17. stomach  18. large intestine
19. small intstine

Home work for the second year students (био.фак.)

Text "MAN" to learn by heart
Ex. 4-5   p.13

воскресенье, 8 декабря 2013 г.

Home work for the 2 year students

I Translate into English:  
1. Где вы учитесь? Мы учимся в Московском Университете. 2. Она говорит по-английски? Нет, но она хорошо говорит по-немецки. 3. Она часто рассказывает нам о своих путешествиях. 4. Он не знает ни одного иностранного языка. 5. Кто живет в этом доме? Студенты университета. 6. Они не знают вашего адреса. Скажите его им. 7. Он никогда не разговаривает на уроках. 8. Какая часть тела человека является  органом речи? Язык. 9. Какой его родной язык? Его родной язык – английский. 10. Он часто выступает на собраниях.

II Put the nouns in the brackets in the plural:
1. The keys to the (a box) are lost. 2. The  (a leaf) turn first yellow then  brown and then drop off in autumn. 3. There are  (a potato) in the basket. 4. A fox sometimes likes to eat hens  and (a goose), but it eats many (a mouse) and other rodents. 5. A few (a woman) sitting in the benches of the garden. 6. They gathered many valuable (a  datum). 7. People are always interested in (a phenomenon) of nature. 8. Without vitamin D that you get from eggs, butter, fish, and also from sunshine your bones become  soft and your (a tooth) bad. The beaver attains a length of about three and one-half  (a foot). 10. Amoeba divides into two: nucleus divides into two (a nucleus). 

III Translate the following text into Russian with the dictionary 

                                      Our Spider Friends
I don’t suppose that many of you think of spiders as friends, but that is what they really  are, because they destroy so many harmful insects.
Frogs, toads, lizards, hedgehogs, and bats also eat insects, but spiders destroy more than all these put together. Although many people think they are insects, spiders belong to a separate class of animals  called  Arachnids. This means the children of Arachnae. In Greek tale Arachnae was famous  for her spinnings, and most spiders are marvelous spinners. 
Some make the large cart-wheel webs that show up so well when covered in dew drops. Others make silken tunnels, and the water spider makes a little tent that it fills with air bubbles.
Females spiders have a bad  reputation as some of them eat their husbands, but they themselves don’t live long after they have laid their eggs and wrapped them up in a silken  cocoon. Although most spiders  die   before their  eggs hatch, wolf spiders carry their  cocoons round  with  them until the spiders  hatch out, then the baby  spiders climb up on the the mother’s back and she carries them round with her.

an insect – насекомое
Arachnids – паукообразные
a water spider – водяной паук, серебрянка
a wolf spider- паук-волк
an air bubble-  воздушный колокол
Arachnae – Арахна (греч. мифология)
tent – паутинный навес