Саният Меджидовна

Саният Меджидовна

Поиск по этому блогу

среда, 6 ноября 2013 г.

                           FOREIGN LANGUAGES 
(бак 4)
Ex.11. What are the English equivalents of the following words from the text.
погружаться в чтение книги; болтать с друзьями; устраивать девочек в школу; взваливать на себя (слишком много); завидовать чьим-либо способностям; исправлять чьи-либо ошибки; повышение умственных способностей; дети, изучающие много языков; по критерию умственных способностей; иметь высокие баллы; иметь гибкое, творческое мышление;
психолог; применять правила одного языка к другому языку; преодолевать трудности/ошибки; стать более грамотным; легко осваивать другие языки; иметь более гибкий подход; культурно обогащаться/расширять культурные знания; хвататься за (любую) возможность; быть более востребованным.

 Ex.12. Translate sentences 1-6 into Russian.

1. They’ve enrolled their three-year-old daughter in a ballet school.
2. I picked up a few Greek phrases when I was on holiday in *Corfu.
3. He opted not to have school dinners; he takes his own sandwiches instead.
4. Katie has outgrown her school uniform so we’ll have to buy her a new one before she starts back in September.
5. As a student I gained a great deal from living away from home; it made me far more independent.
6. It was one-month intensive course, so we had to absorb a lot of information very quickly.

Ex.14. Discuss the questions on the story.

1) How many ages of English do you know? 2) Who influenced the change of the native language from the 9th century? 3) Why did people begin translating books from Latin into English? 4) How many languages did most educated people have to speak? Why? 5) Who is considered to be father of English literature? 6) What is his famous book? 7) What other famous people are mentioned in the text? 8) What is the reason of spreading English all over the world? 9) When did the first English language textbooks appear? 10)  Is English language teaching an important international industry nowadays? 11) When did a world market in audio-visual communication begin?  12) Why did English become a global language?

( coursebook Step by Step)

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