Саният Меджидовна

Саният Меджидовна

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среда, 27 ноября 2013 г.

Problems we are facing today ( для аспирантов. анализ текста )

The problems of young people

Youth is a period of life which is of utmost importance in the life of man. First, man's entire life is rooted in his early years. The morals and beliefs, range of interests, education, health and habits are all laid in childhood and youth, the personality is shaped. Second, youth is a time when a person is trying to find his place in the world. This period is usually associated with problems: young people 'struggle' to fit themselves into society. Difficult decisions and adjustments face young people in today's society. There are several problems the young generation face. They are the eternal problems of choosing a career and getting education, the problem of independence and money, the problem of unemployment of young people, the generation gap. Young people have many problems of emotional and personal character which may look silly and unimportant in the eyes of grown-ups but appear to be extremely important to the young. They are the problems of friendship and loneliness, as well as the problem of the first love.
Probably the most vital problem is choosing a career, which is really difficult. One thing that makes it so difficult is the responsibility you have to take on — it is widely known that your future life depends on the choice made early in life when your personal experience is not so great. Sometimes you may even be not quite certain about the field of knowledge you are interested in. The second reason is that to make this choice you have to get some idea of the labour market and job opportunities. Third, there are parents who usually have their own idea of your future career and, in many cases, try to make their child choose the career path they prefer.
Perhaps one of the most fundamental problems faced by young people today is unemployment. Young people today have certain needs and aspirations. Because of the universal downturn in the economy combined with technology when particular jobs and skills are made obsolete, many youths today are experiencing problems in obtaining jobs. Unemployment means financial worries, frustration and discouragement. To solve the problem of unemployment, young people should strive for higher education. Then they would be qualified for skilled labour required by industrialized society.
Another problem facing young people today is the tension which exists between parents and children, or the 'generation gap'. In their eagerness to achieve adult status and live their own life, young people may resent any restrictions. They believe that their parents are overanxious and overprotective, which usually creates tension. The 'generation gap' problem is really inevitable. Firstly, every generation is unique in its experience, and young people have always rejected or at least questioned the values of their parents. They have always wanted to learn from their own experience, not from their parents' standards. Secondly, every younger generation tends to be more educated and better-informed than the previous one; they grow more quickly and enjoy freedom more. Thirdly, parents tend to aggravate the situation: they try to impose their ideas upon their children. It results in young people's revolt against adult authority. Parents should exercise control over young people, and try to overcome the differences but with sympathy and understanding.
An area which poses a problem for young people and their parents is love and dating. Some parents today are prepared to give their children some freedom, others are overprotective, restricting their children from going out with the opposite sex. Thus, many young people today can't get the valuable experience of adjusting to other people.
Many youths may not be mature enough to cope with such problems, that is why they go in the direction of crime, drugs, vandalism, drinking etc. Often young people are forced either consciously or unconsciously to become involved in those antisocial activities by people of their own age group. Moreover, they compensate for their feelings by revolting against society and adult authority.
The second one is the problem of friendship. Youth is the time when a person is vulnerable to opinions of different people, especially to the opinions of his peer group. Another problem is problem of love and dating. Some parents are democratic in this respect, and allow their children considerable freedom in their relations with the opposite sex. Others are overprotective and forbid their teenage children to go out with people they like, which, in my opinion, can result in many psychological problems as they prevent their children from getting an experience of communicating with representatives of the opposite sex, and this can lead to serious family problems later.
Grown-ups should work together with young people to help them solve these problems. We must remember that the young people are the leaders of tomorrow.

English language (для магистров)

The English language has become a global language today, dominating the world’s trade, computers and media. It is the language of businesspeople and scientists, politicians and diplomats, sportsmen and singers, doctors and students, pilots and musicians. 
Learning English helps in talking to people, reading and writing, in understanding foreign music and foreign films. It opens up much a wide range of sources of information. 
English is a language of communication between different peoples and countries. If you are interested in science, business, medicine, literature, music and you want to be up-to-date with progress in those fields, you can always read the latest report in English and know the latest information about the questions you are interesting. English is a global language. 
The problems of the 21st century such as the problems of war and peace, ecology, demographics, democracy and many others cannot be solved if people don’t speak English. It goes without saying that knowledge of English language helps to make a person educated and well-rounded. It’s a way of getting to know different cultures. English today is absolutely necessary for every educated person.

среда, 13 ноября 2013 г.


Taste №1 

Make a project " What should teachers be?'' , " Which way of education would be ideal for you?"

                                              QUESTOINS FOR DISCUSSION:

Home work for the second year students

Ex.1  What are the English equivalents of the following words from the text.

погружаться в чтение книги; болтать с друзьями; устраивать девочек в школу; взваливать на себя (слишком много); завидовать чьим-либо способностям; исправлять чьи-либо ошибки; повышение умственных способностей; дети, изучающие много языков; по критерию умственных способностей; иметь высокие баллы; иметь гибкое, творческое мышление;
психолог; применять правила одного языка к другому языку; преодолевать трудности/ошибки; стать более грамотным; легко осваивать другие языки; иметь более гибкий подход; культурно обогащаться/расширять культурные знания; хвататься за (любую) возможность; быть более востребованным.

Ex. 2. Read  and translate the text.

Mountain of tongues    
The languages spoken in Dagestan are so many and so varied that very often residents of two neighbouring villages are unable to understand each other and have to resort to Russian in order to communicate with each other. That’s why, since ancient times Dagestan has been called a “Mountain of Tongues”. According to a legend, a horseman was distributing languages and when he was travelling over Dagestan, they all fell out of his basket. As a result each of Dagestan’s more than 30 nationalities has its own distinct language. Therefore sometimes Dagestan is also called a paradise for linguists, where they can study any of its large number of languages. The languages spoken by the majority of native Dagestanis – Avar, Darghin, Lak, Lezghin, Tabasaran, Agul, Rutul, Tsakhur, etc. – belong to the Caucasian-Iberian languages, Kumyk and Nogai belong to the “Turkic” languages, the Tat language is closely related to Persian and belongs to the Indo-European languages.

     The fact that Dagestan is a multinational republic is reflected in its literature and art. For example, books of different kinds, newspapers and magazines are published in 12 languages. Television and radio include an increasing number of programs in the local languages.
     As to the Russian language, it has become a common language for all the Dagestanis, though before the 1917 revolution it was Arabic, at least among educated people. Soon after the revolution the alphabets of all Dagestan nationalities with a written language were converted from Arabic to the Latin type, which in 1938, in its turn, was substituted by Cyrillic. Since then, Russian has been widely used as a means of communication among Dagestan’s small nationalities and ethnic groups, and has been playing a great role in the development of their economy and culture.

Ex.3. Discuss the questions.
1. Why is Dagestan sometimes called a “Mountain of Tongues”? 2. How many nationalities and ethnic groups live in Dagestan? 3. What are the most numerous nationalities in Dagestan? 4. What language family do the majority of local languages of Dagestan belong to? 5. Which Dagestan languages belong to the Turkic group of languages? 6. Which Dagestan language is closely related to Persian and belongs to Indo-European languages? 7. What language is usually used in Dagestan as a means of communication among its different nationalities? 8. What language was in common use among educated people? 9. Who else lives in Dagestan in addition to its indigenous peoples? 10. Will you speak your mother tongue if you go abroad? Why or why not? 11. Are national languages of Dagestan widespread in the world? 12. Do you think there are linguists willing to investigate our local languages? What may attract their attention?

среда, 6 ноября 2013 г.

                           FOREIGN LANGUAGES 
(бак 4)
Ex.11. What are the English equivalents of the following words from the text.
погружаться в чтение книги; болтать с друзьями; устраивать девочек в школу; взваливать на себя (слишком много); завидовать чьим-либо способностям; исправлять чьи-либо ошибки; повышение умственных способностей; дети, изучающие много языков; по критерию умственных способностей; иметь высокие баллы; иметь гибкое, творческое мышление;
психолог; применять правила одного языка к другому языку; преодолевать трудности/ошибки; стать более грамотным; легко осваивать другие языки; иметь более гибкий подход; культурно обогащаться/расширять культурные знания; хвататься за (любую) возможность; быть более востребованным.

 Ex.12. Translate sentences 1-6 into Russian.

1. They’ve enrolled their three-year-old daughter in a ballet school.
2. I picked up a few Greek phrases when I was on holiday in *Corfu.
3. He opted not to have school dinners; he takes his own sandwiches instead.
4. Katie has outgrown her school uniform so we’ll have to buy her a new one before she starts back in September.
5. As a student I gained a great deal from living away from home; it made me far more independent.
6. It was one-month intensive course, so we had to absorb a lot of information very quickly.

Ex.14. Discuss the questions on the story.

1) How many ages of English do you know? 2) Who influenced the change of the native language from the 9th century? 3) Why did people begin translating books from Latin into English? 4) How many languages did most educated people have to speak? Why? 5) Who is considered to be father of English literature? 6) What is his famous book? 7) What other famous people are mentioned in the text? 8) What is the reason of spreading English all over the world? 9) When did the first English language textbooks appear? 10)  Is English language teaching an important international industry nowadays? 11) When did a world market in audio-visual communication begin?  12) Why did English become a global language?

( coursebook Step by Step)