Саният Меджидовна

Саният Меджидовна

Поиск по этому блогу

понедельник, 21 января 2013 г.

Giving a paper at a conference

1)     A) In pairs, answer the following questions.

1    Have you ever presented your research to your team or study group? How did you prepare?
2     Have you ever given a paper to a large audience at a conference?
3    Why might presenting your research at an international conference be more difficult than presenting to your team or study group?

B) Look at the online poster advertising a conference and answer the following questions.

1    Who might be interested in attending this conference?
2     if a researcher applies on 7 May, could he/she give a paper at this conference?
3     If you were interested in this conference, how could you find out more?

C) Complete the following words and phrases from the poster using the words  in the box.

basis course deadline keynote preliminary presentation registration (x2) strictly submit updates
1  application_________        6 _________ programme

2  on a______ first-come,      7 _________ fees

first-served_________       8 to_________ an abstract

3  _________speakers           9 in due________ 

4  online________ only          10 check back for_______ 

5  poster________ 

D) Match the words and phrases (1-10) in Exercise 1c to the definitions (a-j)

a) research summarised in a visual display__________      

b) an early plan for the conference {some details may change later)__________
с) look for further information__________  
d) money you must pay to attend the conference__________    
e) soon__________
f)  the Internet must be used to send personal information for the conference __________
g) the last date that personal information can be sent to the conference 
h) the most important presenters at the conference__________  
i) the organisers will only accept applications in the order they receive them__________
j) to send a written summary of your research because you want to present a paper __________    

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