Саният Меджидовна

Саният Меджидовна

Поиск по этому блогу

среда, 29 марта 2023 г.

Examination topics for second-year masters:

1. Biology as a science. 2. The cell. 3. Life. Its characteristics. 4. DNA. 5. The circulation of the blood. 6. Skin. 7. Human body. 8. The senses. 9. Vitamins. 10. Famous people in biology. 11. My masterwork. 12. Plans for the future.

Экзаменационные темы для студентов 2курса

1. My study at Dagestan State University. 2. Living Things. 3. Helping Things to grow. 4. Man. 5. Lister the founder of antiseptic surgery. 6. Red cells. 7. Plants and animals. 8. Food getting. 9. Biology. 10. Pasteur the father of bacteriology. 11. Antibiotics. 12. Plans for the future.

воскресенье, 27 ноября 2022 г.

Examination topics for soil - science students

1. Plant, its parts and their function. 2. The roots. 3.The stem and leaves. 4. Climatic requirements of plants. 5. Formation of soil. 6. Kinds of soil. 7. Soil temperature. 8. Carreers in Soil Science. 9. Living Things. 10. Man. 11. Helping Things to grow. 12. Red cells. 13.Do plants differ from animals. 14. Biology. 15. Pasteur. 16. Charles Darvin. 17. Gregor Mendel. 18. Joseph Miller. 19. Nikolay Vavilov. 20. Garden Hints.

воскресенье, 20 ноября 2022 г.

Examination topics for second-year masters

Examination topics for second-year masters: 1. Biology. 2. The cell. 3. Life. Its characteristics. 4. Watson and Crick describe structure of DNA. 5. The circulation of the blood. 6. Endocrine system. 7. Skin. 8. Something about the human body. 9. Five senses. What are the senses? 10. Our Brain. 11. Vitamins. 12. Frontiers of biotechnology.